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Opportunites and Adventures Await You at WCTV!

Happy New Year and welcome to 2023!

Maybe you're thinking this is the year you start that podcast you've been ruminating about? Maybe you run a non-profit and you'd like to do a PSA about the organization you're affiliated with? Maybe your child needs community service hours or you are part of a civic group that would like to learn more about cable access television and take a tour? Maybe you’re thinking you should make this the year you volunteer more or align yourself with an organization who could use your help? Maybe you’re a business owner and you're looking for ways to give back to the community by sponsoring an establishment that is worthy of your hard-earned money?

If any of the above sounds like you, we would love to talk to you about our membership program and all the opportunities and adventures that await you at WCTV. WCTV staffers are passionate about what they do and they love sharing and teaching what they do even more! For information about membership, sponsoring WCTV, tours and anything else you want to know about your community TV station, start by reaching out to Community Outreach Coordinator, Lisa Kapala-Egan at: Let’s make this year the year you become a vital part of WCTV!

Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to stay up to date with all things WCTV, linked at the bottom of this page. Click here to view our television channels.

If you would like to contribute to our funding, please click here to donate.

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