WCTV held its Annual Meeting on March 21st . At that meeting, members voted on
candidates for the Board of Directors. WCTV would like to officially congratulate, James
Boyle, James Brennick and Gerald Cronin as new board members, as well as Charles
“Mike” Burns and Robert Hamel who were re-elected. We would also like to thank
Tremezzo Ristorante for providing the refreshments that were served that evening.
Everyone in attendance enjoyed hearing about all of the wonderful accomplishments
and programming that was created by WCTV staff, and learning about some of the
exciting projects in the works. If you would like to become a member of WCTV, please
reach out to Lisa Kapala at: lisa@wctv.org and she will get you started!
There are no meetings covered by WCTV this week.
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